Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Doro zome (mudding)

Ooshima tsumugi has a special dyeing which is Doro some.

*Ooshima tsumugi

"Doro" means soil, "some" means dyeing in japanese.
So it is mudding.

The soil in this island has many iron.
The plants is called "sharon bai" is for dyeing material.
Iron in the soil make deep color from "sharon bai"

1. Thread or fabric soak into the water with sharin bai
2. After to soak thread or fabric, it soaks into soil too.
3. Do again 1 and 2.

We have to do again so many time.

*doing doro some

Then we will be able to see a beautiful black as we call Doro some after many effort.

*photo from ume wake

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